Your Network Is Down. How Much Money Are You Losing? Do you have a DR solution?
How costly was it? By one estimate, the 500 companies on the S&P 500 alone took a combined $150 million hit in just 3-4 hours of downtime.
From accidental user errors to malicious hacking attacks, and from simple power outages to bursting pipes to catastrophic natural disasters (wind damage, too!), there’s no shortage of unforeseen events that can grind your day-to-day network operations to a halt. If it happens at the wrong time, it can mean disaster for your business—according to the Enterprise Strategy Group, more than half of organizations will likely experience significant revenue loss or other severe detrimental business effects (reputation loss, damage to your clients and vendors, etc.) after just one hour or more of downtime.
Ask yourself, “How vulnerable am I? How much do I stand to lose? What is my plan to make sure this doesn’t happen to me?”
That’s where TelDesigns can help!
We specialize in connecting you with the companies, systems, infrastructure, and planning you need to ensure you’re well prepared for any kind of natural or unnatural disaster. Maintaining redundant servers and accessible backups spread out across multiple geographic regions, and storing the most mission-critical systems and data on “hot sites” ready to kick in and restore service in as little as a few minutes, can protect your business against even the worst unforeseen disasters.
We provide free consulting to sort through the big questions and help you get to the heart of what your business requires—what your most important systems are, what level of colocation you require for different aspects of your organization, and how much downtime you can really afford. Then, we impartially shop providers like US Signal, Masergy, Switch, Comcast, Charter, and others to get you the best price on the best solution for your business needs.
To find out how vulnerable your business may be to unforeseen disaster—and how you can protect yourself from one—give us a call at (616) 965-2030 or visit us at
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